Monday 26th April

River Wye, Llangoed Beat.

April 26th

Yesterday everything was awful. The river was high and dirty, there was rain and a cold wind. Today all is well in the world. The river has fallen 5 inches and cleared. What was unfishable has now become inviting; and best of all it is warm and for a while the sun shone on us.

Llangoed has a lot of fishable water. And this year there is even more, as another half mile has been added to the downstream end of the beat. This is a great addition as it now means there is good trout water to fish both in the morning and afternoon rotation.

The fish began to stick their heads above the water about 10:30. The flies were not prolific, but there was obviously enough to get the fish rising, if only sporadically. But they were keen fish, especially to a well presented olive imitation. Fishing is about catching fish, but if you also see buzzards, red kites and kingfishers, then the fishing day becomes much more.



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